Saturday, September 14, 2013

Review (and Interview) of Desolace by Lucian Barnes.

4 out of 5 screams and goosebumps.

Description: A serial killer is loose in Misty Hollows, Ohio and Katie Johnson is sure that her friend Julie has been abducted by this madman. As she searches for her friend, Katie finds an unexpected ally in the ghost of one of the killers victims and soon finds herself transported to a completely foreign time and place. She only hopes that she can find Julie before it's too late.

*Please note that this book contains adult material that may not be suitable for younger readers.*

First off, be prepared for that first chapter. WOW!  It’s a doozy.  
I do feel like this book does need at least a copy edit.  There were things even within the first chapter that could have easily been caught by an editor/another read through by a fresh pair of eyes. Also, some of the sentence flow was off at times.
Secondly, WOW.  This book is definitely a thriller, chaser, keeps you on the edge of your seat, and definitely what I’d call a horror story.  There are times where you just go “No…did I just read that right?  Did he actually just ‘say’ that?!?!” for some of the ‘horror’ scenes and situations.  
I do not want to spoil anything, especially not the twists and turns this book takes.  When you pick up this book, you are in for it!
Would I recommend this book?  Yes, I would recommend it, but only to those that would be into this kind of book.
Do I want to read the second one?  Of course.

*Warning*:  This is a graphic book, understand that.  If you are uncomfortable with certain situations, this book may not be for you.  If you are squeamish, this book may not be for you.

Great thing is that this book is currently FREE!!!!!!!

Barnes and Noble link:

Interview with Lucian Barnes!:

·         If you don't mind telling us, where did you get the idea for Desolace?


I can't, per se, take credit for the idea being my own. I started working on Desolace, as an untitled project, several years ago. I had set the book aside for quite some time, but a friend encouraged me to begin writing again. I perused several of my unfinished works at that time and decided that the untitled story, which would eventually become Desolace, had potential to be something really great. So, I began writing. I never had a clear idea of where the story should go when I did, instead, I allowed the characters to develop the story. It wasn't until I finished the manuscript that I was forced to consider a title.

·         What made u want to become a writer?

For a very long time, perhaps dating back to before my teenage years (I can't recall exactly), I have enjoyed writing one thing or another. My first stories were very short, and were inspired by the Hardy Boys and Scooby Doo. As I grew into a teenager, I began drifting away from traditional storytelling and I started to write song lyrics for heavy metal songs. As is the case with many young boys, I'm sure, I had aspirations of becoming a rock star. Time and wisdom brought me to the conclusion that these dreams were more fantasy than reality. Inspired by my favorite author, Stephen King, I took an online, creative writing course to hone my skills as an author when I was in my thirties.

·         What do you use as your inspiration?

The only inspiration I really have comes from my characters. Once I get an idea for a book and start fleshing out the characters, it brings them to life in my mind. As crazy as it may sound, after I develop a particularly interesting character the incessant chatter of their voice begins. Sometimes it's a voice in my head that refuses to shut up, while other times it feels like they are sitting on my shoulder urging me on.

·         Where do you feel that you do your best writing?

Anywhere that is peaceful and quiet, but I prefer my "writing cave" since it's away from most distractions.

·         If you ever get stuck in a part of a story, how do you get out of your writer’s block?

I used to have this problem quite frequently, at which times I would normally set my project aside and work on something else while I waited for the characters to begin "speaking" to me again. I have found, in the meantime, another technique which works better for me. I only write between Monday and Friday, giving myself the weekend to "recharge". Since I started employing this tactic I haven't had a single incidence of the dreaded writer's block.

·         Which is your favorite character from any of your books/series. Why?

Despite the fact that my choice would likely cause my readers to be cautious around me, I would have to say my favorite is the serial killer known as "The Headhunter". Why would such an obviously evil character be my favorite? In all honesty, some readers may already be aware of this fact, when I began writing about him I modeled many aspects of his personality and character features around myself. No, I'm not a psychotic, serial killer in disguise as a writer! I merely found the old adage of "write what you know" as a spring-board for creating the monstrous killer that people unanimously hate.

·         If you could be any character from your stories, who would you be and why?

Again, I would have to go with George, more out of familiarity and comfort than anything. Who better to slip into than a character you modeled after yourself. Creepy, I

·         If you could go anywhere (within our reality and universe) where would you go?

Anywhere, huh? That's kind of a toughie. Several places come to mind, and all of which I would choose based on photographs I've seen of the beautiful landscapes. New Zealand, Scotland, Italy, and Romania to name a few.

·         What are 3 essentials you must have when writing?

First, and foremost, I would have to say complete silence. Like many people I know, I am often easily distracted by outside objects (...look, a squirrel!). Second, I would have to say electricity. Why that? Because, without it, my computer would be useless as a writing vessel. This isn't to say if I were forced to write with pen and paper that I wouldn't be able to, I just prefer using a computer, far fewer hand cramps! Lastly, and this one is kind of a quirk I've developed over the course of my career as a writer, I have an impulsive need to let my hair down to write, kind of like a lucky charm. (I have very long, almost to my waist, hair. I normally keep it up in a ponytail.)

·         Is writing your sole job? If not, what's your other job? If yes, what did you do before you became an author?

Yes, writing is my full-time job, and my obsession. Not that I haven't done anything else in my lifetime. I have worked several different types of jobs in the past, ranging from a truck driver, to a contractor specializing in drywall work, to a school bus driver. Nothing has been as satisfying, or rewarding, as being a writer though.


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